We ensure the responsibility of our products

Ensuring the quality and safety of our products is of paramount importance to us. We take a systematic and long-term approach to ensuring and developing the responsibility of our supply chain, raw materials and packaging. Promoting the circular economy is one of our major objectives.

Product quality and safety

The quality and safety of our products is of paramount importance to us. Our operations are certified pursuant to the ISO 9001 quality management certificate, the ISO 14001 environmental management certificate, the ISO 22716 certificate regarding the manufacture and storage of cosmetics and hygiene products (GMP, Good Manufacturing Practices), and a third-party assured ISO 13485 quality system required for the manufacture of healthcare equipment.

Our laboratories in Herttoniemi and Heinävesi are GLP certified by the Finnish Medicines Agency. Defined by the OECD, GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) is intended to produce reliable and sufficiently high-quality laboratory testing for purposes such as use by the public authorities.

Our products are developed at our product development laboratories in Helsinki and manufactured in Heinävesi and Helsinki in  close cooperation with our quality assurance team.

Target 2020 – 2022 Results in 2022
Zero recalls of products manufactured by Berner. No recalls of products manufactured by Berner.


Responsible supply chain

Berner’s commitment to maintaining and developing sustainable business practices extends throughout the supply chain. Our responsible purchasing is based on our Supplier Code of Conduct. The Supplier Code of Conduct covers topics including human rights, non-discrimination, working hours and wages, freedom of association and the prohibition of the use of child labour and forced labour. We require our suppliers to commit to compliance with our Code of Conduct by signing it.

Our WhistleB whistleblowing channel also allows our external stakeholders to report potential suspicions concerning conduct that violates the law and our Code of Conduct.

Our key tools for ensuring and developing responsible procurement are as Supplier Code of Conduct, supplier self-assessment form and  third-party audits. Our supplier risk assessment is based on the amfori BSCI list of risk countries We are a member of amfori BSCI, which seeks to ensure and develop the social sustainability performance of global supply chains. In our supplier risk assessments, we use the annual amfori BSCI list of high-risk countries, which is based on the six Worldwide Governance indicators published by the World Bank.

Target 2020 – 2022  Results in 2022
The social responsibility of products manufactured in
high-risk countries is ensured by third-party audits.
Due to acquisition integrations, the number of Berner Ltd’s suppliers from high-risk countries increased towards the end of the year. For these suppliers, responsibility self-assessments are still ongoing. Starting the auditing processes of three existing suppliers was agreed during the year.
We take social and environmental responsibility
into account in the selection of new suppliers.
The self-assessment form for suppliers from high-risk countries was used in the new supplier selection process. New suppliers located in high-risk countries were required to present approved social sustainability audit results or certification.
100% of our suppliers have signed the Supplier Code of
Due to the acquisition integrations, the number of Berner Ltd’s suppliers increased by more than 12,000 last year. However, we fell well short of our 100% signature goal without even considering new suppliers. The number of signed Supplier CoC’s increased by 114.
We continuously develop our risk management related to
responsible supply chain.
No new development measures taken.


Sustainable packaging

We aim to develop the responsibility of our packaging by using recyclable materials, increasing the use of recycled and renewable materials and reducing the amount of packaging materials used. We strive to minimize the use of packaging materials and we aim to use mono-material plastic packaging. We also develop the sustainability of packaging by actively participating in projects that promote the circular economy.


Target 2020 – 2025  Results in 2022
All of the plastic packaging in our own production will be
recyclable by 2025.
93% of the packaging used in Heinävesi can be recycled.
50% of our products manufactured in-house will be
packaged in recycled materials by 2025.
By the end of 2022, the share of packaging materials made of recycled plastic used in Heinävesi was 4%.
We will reduce the amount of plastic used in the packaging of our products manufactured in-house by 10% by 2025, compared to 2019. In 2022, the amount of packaging plastic used in Heinävesi was 5% (kg/pcs) less than in 2019.
10% of the products we manufacture in-house will use
packaging that reduces the use of fossil virgin plastic by
We actively seek and assess packaging solutions that reduce or replace the use of virgin plastic. In 2022, we focused on reducing the amount of plastic and introducing recycled plastic in our products. We also actively sought suitable bio-based or renewable materials, which, however, we did not yet introduce in 2022.


Responsible raw materials

In our own production, we always try to choose raw material alternatives that are better for the environment, such as raw materials with fewer environmental classifications or manufactured from side streams. We seek to introduce new biodegradable raw materials in our production and to replace existing raw materials with biodegradable alternatives.

We aim to prioritise raw materials manufactured in Finland, the Nordic region and Europe. We list the domestic raw
materials of our products on the websites of our brands. We have created a raw material roadmap that guides our
choices of raw materials. The roadmap outlines our targets until 2025.

Target 2020 – 2022  Results in 2022
We will transition to using 100% certified Mass Balance
RSPO palm oil products, or corresponding products, in our own production activities.
The share of Mass Balance RSPO palm oil was 91.6%.
We will increase the proportion of renewable raw materials to 30% in our Nordic Swan Ecolabel certified products manufactured in-house. The milestone for 2020 is 27%. Nordic Swan Ecolabel certified products was 33% at the end of 2022.
We emphasise biodegradability in new raw materials used in our in-house manufacturing, and we will increase the number of biodegradable raw materials each year. We started using two new biodegradable raw materials, which replaced existing non-biodegradable ones.
We aim to increase the number of in-house manufactured environmentally certified products by six. We launched 9 new eco-labelled products. A total of 52 eco-labelled in-house manufactured products in 2022.
We aim to reduce the use of peat by approximately 10%
per year, with the aim of fully replacing peat in GreenCare
substrates at the beginning of the 2030s.
We proceeded in accordance with the goal in reducing peat.
Recycled side streams amount to approximately 220,000
metric tons.
Recycled side streams amounted to 162,224 metric tons in 2022. The total volume was 255,224 metric tonnes in 2020–2022.

