
Our sustainability program 2023–2025 brings all of the areas of our sustainability and the relevant targets under one program. We report about our achievements annually in our sustainability report.

The principles guiding our sustainability

Our sustainability efforts in our day-to-day work are guided by a number of policies and principles, such as our environmental policy, quality policy and HR principles. The development of our sustainability efforts is guided by our sustainability steering group, which meets approximately once a month.

All of our operations are based on our Code of Conduct for employees and suppliers. Our Code of Conduct represents Berner’s values – work, integrity and humanity – as well as the generally accepted guidelines of conduct as documented in the UN Global Compact’s ten principles.

Our operations are certified pursuant to the ISO 9001 quality management certificate, the ISO 14001 environmental manage ment certificate, the ISO 22716 certificate regarding the manufacture and storage of cosmetics and hygiene products (GMP, Good Manufacturing Practices), and a third-party assured ISO 13485 quality system required for the manufacture of healthcare equipment.

commitments and memberships

Compact, since 2018. We are also part of the international Responsible Care sustainability program for the chemical industry, coordinated in Finland by the Chemical Industry Federation of Finland.

In developing and ensuring a responsible supply chain, we benefit from two memberships: amfori BSCI focuses on developing and ensuring the responsibility of global supply chains, especially concerning labor and human rights in high-risk countries. In 2024, we also became a member of EcoVadis, which allows us to conduct comprehensive sustainability assessments of our suppliers.

UN Sustainable development goals (SDG)

We have estimated the impacts of our operations on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the 169 targets they comprise. While our operations have impacts on all 17 SDGs, we have identified five that we can particularly influence through our operations.
